Young Asian woman cat owner giving food to her cute domestic cat at home. Adorable shorthair cat be feed by owner in living room. Human and pet relation domestic lifestyle concept. Focus o..., does your cat trust you?

Does Your Cat Trust You?

Does Your Cat Trust You? While cats may not show affection as openly as dogs, they can form deep and meaningful bonds with their human companions. 

We’ll explore topics like how to read your cat’s body language and behavior to see if they’re showing you affection and trust. Plus, we’ll look at some surprising signs that your cat really likes you!

But we’ll also delve into the signs that your cat may not trust you and what you can do to build trust with a shy or anxious cat. And if you’ve ever wondered how long it takes a cat to trust its human, we’ve got you covered too!

How to Know If Your Cat Loves You

Cats express their affection in different ways than dogs. Some signs that your cat loves you include:

  • Purring: A cat’s purr is a sign of contentment and relaxation, and they may purr when you stroke or cuddle with them.
  • Head-butting: Cats will rub their heads against you as a sign of affection and to mark you with their scent.
  • Licking: Cats may lick you to show affection or groom you, as with other cats, they consider family.
  • Following you: If your cat follows you around the house or sits close to you, it’s a sign that they enjoy your company.

How to Know If Your Cat Trusts You

Understanding whether your cat trusts you involves delving into their behavior. Despite their domestication, cats still keep specific characteristics from their wild ancestors.

Observing their actions and decoding their body language can provide valuable insights into their level of trust.

In the realm of cat behavior, trust plays a crucial role. While cats may not exhibit affection in the same overt manner as dogs, they do form deep bonds with their human companions. Developing a trusting relationship with your cat requires patience and understanding.

Trust is built over time and through consistent positive interactions. For example, if your cat trusts you, they will:

Cat kneading

One behavior often associated with trust is the act referred to as “making biscuits,” where cats rhythmically push their paws on a soft surface, like your lap or a blanket.

This behavior stems from their ancestral instincts when they kneaded their mother’s belly to stimulate milk flow. When your cat engages in this action with you, it signifies a sense of comfort and security in your presence.

Marking territory

Another way cats mark their territory is through scent glands located on their paws. When they push against objects or individuals, they leave their scent and show trust. This territorial marking declares that they feel safe and at ease in their environment.

Female cats, particularly when they become mothers, display an innate need for security and trust. As they bring up their kittens, they rely on their trusted human caregiver to create a safe haven. Establishing trust with a mother cat often leads to a stronger bond between the human and the feline.

One fascinating behavior that signals trust is the slow blink. When a cat looks at you and gradually closes their eyes, it is considered a gesture of trust and affection. Responding with a slow blink in return communicates your reciprocal trust and strengthens the bond between you and your cat.

Bringing you small “gifts”

Additionally, cats may display signs of trust by bringing you small “gifts” such as toys or prey. While this behavior might not be appreciated, it indicates their trust. And an attempt to share their resources with you, much like they would with a fellow cat.

Understanding your cat’s body language is crucial in determining whether they trust you. Relaxed body posture, ears facing forward or slightly to the side, and a softly swishing tail are positive indicators. Purring, rubbing against your legs, or seeking physical contact are also signs that your cat feels safe and trusts you.

Building trust with adult cats may need more time and effort than kittens. If you have recently adopted an adult cat, be patient and allow them to acclimate to their new surroundings at their own pace. Provide them with a comfortable environment, ample hiding spots, and positive experiences to foster trust gradually.

does your cat trust you?
When your cat is in this position, it shows that your cat trusts you 🙌

How Long Does It Take for Your Cat to Trust You?

Every cat is different, and the amount of time it takes for a cat to trust you will vary. For example, some cats may initially be more outgoing and friendly, while others may take weeks or months to warm up to you. 

To build trust with your cat, be patient, consistent, and respectful of their boundaries. Offer treats, toys, and positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior and give your cat space and time to adjust to their new surroundings.

Signs That Your Cat Doesn’t Trust You

If your cat doesn’t trust you, they may:

  • Hide or run away from you: If your cat hides or runs away, it’s a sign that they don’t feel safe or comfortable around you.
  • Hiss or growl: Cats hiss or growl as a warning to signal that they feel threatened or afraid. If your cat hisses or growls at you, it’s a sign that they don’t trust you.
  • Refuse to eat or use the litter box: Cats are creatures of habit, and changing their routine or environment can be stressful. If your cat refuses to eat or use the litter box, it may be a sign that they are experiencing anxiety or fear.
orange and white tabby cat on snow covered ground during daytime, does your cat trust you?
Hissing isn’t a good sign of trust; it means your cat feels threatened. ⛔️

Surprising Signs That Your Cat Likes You

In addition to the more obvious signs of affection, there are some surprising signs that your cat likes you. These include:

  • Biting or nibbling: While it may seem aggressive, some cats gently bite or nibble on their owners as a sign of affection.
  • Bringing you toys: Cats may bring you their favorite toys as a sign of trust and affection and to engage in play with you.
  • Kneading: When a cat kneads or “makes biscuits” with their paws, it’s a sign of contentment and relaxation. They may do this when they are cuddling with you or sitting on your lap.
  • Sleeping on you: Cats are most vulnerable when asleep, and if your cat chooses to sleep on you, it’s a sign that they trust you and feel safe with you.
Cat Kneading is an excellent love sign ❤️

Signs Your Cat Is Protecting You

Cats are known for their independent nature, but they are also protective of their human companions. Some signs that your cat may be protecting you include:

  • Staring: If your cat is staring intently at someone or something, it may be a sign that they are monitoring the situation and protecting you.
  • Growling or hissing: As mentioned earlier, cats may hiss or growl as a warning to signal that they feel threatened. If your cat is growling or hissing at someone, it may be a sign that they are trying to protect you.
  • Standing guard: Cats may position themselves before their human companions as a form of protection. If your cat stands guard when you are sleeping or sitting still, it’s a sign that they are watching you.

Final Thoughts

Cats may be known for being aloof and independent but can also form strong bonds with their human companions. To know if your cat loves and trusts you, look for signs of affection, such as purring, head-butting, and following you around the house.

Trust is built over time through positive interactions, and if your cat trusts you, it may show its belly, make eye contact, bring you gifts, and allow you to touch sensitive areas. 

If your cat doesn’t trust you, it may hide, hiss, or growl and refuse to eat or use the litter box. Surprising signs that your cat likes you include biting or nibbling, bringing you toys, kneading, and sleeping on you.

Finally, cats may protect their human companions by staring, growling, hissing, or standing guard.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a cat love more than one person?

Yes, cats can love and form strong bonds with more than one person. However, they may have a primary caregiver to whom they are most attached.

How can I build trust with a shy cat?

To build trust with a shy cat, be patient, consistent, and respectful of their boundaries. Offer treats, play with your cat, and use positive reinforcement. Give them space and time to adjust to their new surroundings.

How can I tell if my cat is in pain?

Signs that your cat may be in pain include decreased appetite, boredom, hiding, vocalizing more than usual, and avoiding being touched. If you suspect your cat is in pain, you must take them to a veterinarian for an evaluation. Regular vet visits can help avoid some further health issues.






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