Russian blue covered by white blanket, do cats get cold?

Do cats get cold? Discover 3 Warning Signs

Questions like “Do cats get cold?” and “Do cats get cold as they get older?” resonate deeply with those who cherish their furry friends. Many pet owners may ponder these questions, especially during the cold winter months.

We know cats are known for being independent and self-sufficient, but does that mean they are impervious to the cold?

In this article, we will explore whether cats can feel the chill and what steps you can take to ensure your furry friend stays warm and cozy.


While cats are equipped with natural insulation in the form of their fur, extreme cold temperatures can still affect them. Factors such as age, breed, health, and hair length can also influence a cat’s tolerance to the cold.

It’s important to watch for signs of discomfort, such as:

  • Shivering
  • Seeking out warm spots
  • Curling up into tight balls.

Fortunately, you can help your cat stay warm during colder weather in several ways. From providing cozy bedding and warm hiding spots to ensuring proper nutrition and hydration, we will delve into practical tips to keep your feline friend comfortable and safe.

Understanding the temperature tolerance of cats

brown cat beside dog during daytime, do cats get cold
Some cat breeds, like the Siberian cat, are cold-resistant warriors.

High body temperature than humans

Cats have a higher body temperature than humans, typically ranging from 100.5 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. This higher body temperature helps them withstand colder temperatures to some extent.

However, it’s important to note that cats can still feel the cold, especially when exposed to extreme weather conditions.

Related: 5 Facts About the Siberian Cats

Kittens and adult cats are more susceptible to cold

The temperature tolerance of cats can vary depending on various factors. For example, kittens and older cats are generally more susceptible to the cold than adult cats.

Similarly, certain breeds with shorter fur, such as Siamese or Sphynx cats, may feel the cold more intensely compared to long-haired breeds like Maine Coons or Persians.

It’s essential to consider these factors when determining how your cat may respond to colder temperatures. By understanding your cat’s temperature tolerance, you can take appropriate measures to ensure their comfort and well-being.

Signs that your cat may be feeling cold

a white cat is sleeping on a blanket, do cats get cold
If your cat seeks warmer spots, that could mean he is feeling cold.

While cats may not be able to express their discomfort like humans do, there are several signs you can look out for to determine if your cat is feeling cold. These signs may include:

1) Shivering

Like humans, cats may shiver when they feel cold. If you notice your cat trembling or shaking, it could be a sign that it needs some extra warmth.

2) Seeking out warm spots

Cats naturally seek out warm spots when they feel cold. You may notice your cat curling up near a heat source or snuggling into blankets or cozy corners of the house.

3) Curling up into tight balls

Cats often curl up into tight balls to conserve body heat. If you find your cat constantly curling into tight positions, it may be their way of trying to stay warm.

Keep a close eye on your cat’s behavior and look for these signs of discomfort. If you suspect your cat is feeling cold, it’s important to take steps to provide them with the warmth they need.

Related: Is It Okay To Let Your Cat Sleep in Bed With You?

Providing warmth for your cat indoors

brown and gray tabby cat in pet bed
Cats love to be comfy and warm, so make sure you place their bed in a quiet area.

When it comes to keeping your cat warm indoors, there are several measures you can take:

1) Provide Cozy bedding

Provide your cat with cozy bedding, such as a soft, warm cat bed or blankets. Opt for materials that retain heat, like fleece or thermal fabrics. Place the bedding away from drafts in a quiet, warm house area.

2) Invest in Heated cat beds

Consider investing in a heated cat bed. These beds provide a constant source of warmth and can be particularly beneficial for older cats or those with low-temperature tolerance. For safety, make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and choose a bed with adjustable temperature settings.

3) Create warm hiding spots

Place blankets or cushions near the house’s radiators, heating vents, or other warm areas to create warm hiding spots for your cat. Cats love to snuggle into cozy nooks, and these spots can offer them additional warmth.

Remember to clean and wash the bedding regularly to maintain cleanliness and prevent the buildup of allergens or bacteria.

person holding silver tabby cat

Cold weather can pose certain health risks for cats. It’s important to be aware of these concerns and take appropriate precautions to keep your cat healthy during colder months.

1) Hypothermia

Prolonged exposure to cold temperatures can lead to cat hypothermia. Hypothermia occurs when the body loses heat faster than it can produce, resulting in a dangerously low body temperature.

Symptoms of hypothermia may include:

  • Shivering
  • Weakness
  • Decreased heart rate.

If you suspect your cat is experiencing hypothermia, seek immediate veterinary care.

2) Frostbite

Frostbite can occur when a cat’s extremities, such as ears, paws, or tail, are exposed to freezing temperatures for an extended period.

Signs of frostbite include:

  • Discoloration of the affected area
  • Swelling
  • Pain.

If you suspect your cat has frostbite, seek veterinary attention promptly.

3) Respiratory issues

Cats with respiratory conditions like asthma may experience worsened symptoms in cold weather.

Monitor for signs of:

  • Coughing
  • Wheezing
  • Difficulty breathing.

Consult your veterinarian for appropriate management.

To protect your cat from these health concerns, ensure they have access to warm and sheltered areas, limit their outdoor exposure during extreme weather conditions, and provide them with proper veterinary care.

How to keep an indoor cat entertained during the winter

During colder months, it’s not just warmth that your cat needs. Indoor cats may also require additional mental and physical stimulation to prevent boredom and maintain their overall well-being.

Here are some tips to keep your indoor cat entertained during the winter:

1) Provide Interactive toys

Provide your cat with interactive toys that stimulate their hunting instincts and keep them engaged. Toys with hidden treats or puzzles can provide mental stimulation and help alleviate boredom.

2) Install Shelves

Cats love to climb and explore vertical spaces. Install cat trees, shelves, or perches that allow your cat to climb and observe their surroundings. This not only provides physical exercise but also offers mental stimulation.

3) Schedule Playtime

Set aside dedicated playtime for your cat each day. Use toys that encourage active play, such as wand toys, and engage in interactive play sessions to keep your cat physically and mentally stimulated.

4) Install Window Perches

Place a window perch near a sunny spot. Cats enjoy basking in the sun and watching the outside world. A window perch provides entertainment and lets your cat soak up the sun’s warmth.

Remember to regularly rotate and introduce new toys to keep your cat’s interest piqued.


Cats can feel the cold, and their tolerance to colder temperatures can vary based on factors such as age, breed, health, and hair length. It’s essential to be aware of signs that your cat may be feeling cold and take appropriate measures to provide them with warmth and comfort.

Providing cozy bedding and warm hiding spots and considering options like heated cat beds can help your cat stay comfortable indoors during colder weather. Additionally, be mindful of potential health concerns related to cold weather, such as hypothermia and frostbite, and take steps to protect your cat’s well-being.

With these tips, you can ensure your feline friend stays warm, safe, and content throughout the year, regardless of the temperature outside. So embrace the cozy winter months and enjoy the warmth and companionship of your beloved cat. Stay warm!

Do Cats Get Cold? Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if my cat is cold?

Observing your cat’s behavior and body language is essential to determining if it is cold. Signs of a cold cat may include shivering, seeking warm spots, curling into a ball, or attempting to find cozy places.

Feel their ears and paws; your cat might be chilly if they are cold to the touch. Providing a warm and comfortable environment, especially during colder seasons, can help keep your cat comfortable.

Do indoor cats get cold?

Yes, indoor cats can get cold, especially in homes with fluctuating temperatures. While they are protected from outdoor weather, indoor environments may still have drafts or cooler areas.

It’s important to provide your indoor cat with a warm and comfortable space, especially during colder months. Consider using blankets, heated beds, or adjusting your home’s temperature to ensure your cat stays cozy.

Is it okay to put a blanket on a cat?

Yes, it is generally okay to put a blanket on a cat, especially if they seem cold or if the environment is chilly. Most cats enjoy the warmth and security provided by blankets. Ensure that the blanket is clean and safe for your cat to snuggle into, avoiding materials they may chew on or ingest.

Additionally, allow your cat the choice to move away from the blanket if they become too warm. Providing a variety of cozy spots with blankets can help meet your cat’s preferences for comfort and warmth.





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