a dog and a cat laying in the grass, why cats are better than dogs

Why Cats are better than Dogs: 13 Reasons

While it might be an unpopular opinion, there are substantial reasons why cats are better than dogs.

As a proud cat owner, I can confidently say that cats offer unique and unparalleled advantages, including lower vet costs and no noise complaints from neighbors, making them a superior companion choice. 

Are Cats Better than Dogs?

white dog and gray cat hugging each other on grass, why cats are better than dogs
Cats’ independent nature is perfect for those with busy lives.

Cats outshine dogs in many aspects, making them the preferred choice for countless pet owners, including myself.

Their intrinsic independence allows for a more flexible and accommodating companionship, as cats are content being left alone for extended periods.

Their meticulous grooming habits contribute to a cleaner and odor-free living environment, while their smaller size makes cats well-suited for apartment living and less prone to causing disturbances.

With a longer lifespan, lower veterinary costs, and a unique ability to ward off pests, cats offer a harmonious blend of companionship and practicality, making them an ideal choice for those seeking a fulfilling and low-maintenance pet experience.

Let’s explore 13 reasons why cats are better than dogs.

13 Reasons Cats Are Better Than Dogs

Here is a list of 13 reasons why cats are better than dogs:

  1. Cats are independent 
  2. Cats are more hygienic 
  3. Cats have a longer lifespan 
  4. Cats can be left alone 
  5. Cats are ideal for apartment living 
  6. No complaints of noise 
  7. Cats are happy indoors 
  8. Cats are good for mental health 
  9. Cats are cleaner than dogs 
  10. Cats will kill the bugs, so you don’t have to 
  11. Cats are less of a threat to humans than dogs 
  12. Cats groomed themselves
  13. Cats have lower vet costs.

1) Cats are more independent

One of the standout features of cats is their independence. Unlike dogs, cats don’t require constant attention and can entertain themselves for long periods.

This makes them an ideal pet for individuals with busy lifestyles, as they won’t feel neglected when left alone.

If you don’t spend too much time at home, you can always get a second cat so they can be each other’s company. Just ensure you introduce your cats in a responsible way.

2) Cats are more hygienic

Cats are meticulous groomers, dedicating much time to keeping themselves clean. This inherent cleanliness extends to their living environment, as cats are known to instinctively bury their waste.

The result? A more hygienic and odor-free home compared to the daily walks and outdoor bathroom breaks that come with dogs.

3) Cats live longer

On average, cats tend to live longer than dogs. With proper care and attention to their health needs, cats can be a constant companion for a significantly extended period. This longer lifespan allows for a deeper and more enduring bond between pet and owner.

4) Cats can be left alone

british shorthair cat lying on white textile, cats are better than dogs
The British Shorthair cat doesn’t mind being alone for a few hours.

When compared to dogs, cats can be left alone for longer periods as they are generally less needy of 24/7 attention. However, cat owners must be responsible.

Ensure your cat’s basic needs, such as food, water, a clean litter box, and a safe environment, are readily available even when they are not present.

Regular interaction and enrichment are still essential for maintaining a healthy and happy relationship with your cat.

If you own a Sphynx cat, do not leave him alone. Ensure you can stay at home with him for longer periods.

Related: Discover the British Shorthair Cat

5) Cats are ideal for apartment living

Cats are well-suited to apartment living due to their smaller size and ability to adapt to confined spaces. They don’t require a backyard to run around in, making them a perfect fit for urban dwellers with limited outdoor areas.

If you live in a limited space and are looking for a suitable breed, the Russian Blue or the Persian cat are great options.

6) No complaints of noise from neighbors

Cats are generally quieter than dogs. If you live in an apartment building or close quarters with neighbors, a cat is less likely to disturb the peace with incessant barking.

Their purring and occasional meows are music to the ears compared to the potential noise disturbances caused by dogs.

This does not apply to the Siamese cat. This cat breed is famous for its loud and distinctive meow. This vocal breed is known for expressing itself with various meows, from soft to loud and insistent.

7) Cats are happy indoors

Cats are content to be indoor creatures, reducing the worry of them wandering off or getting into trouble outside. However, exceptions apply.

Cats, like the Ragdoll breed, can be content indoors, enjoying a controlled environment. The Bengal, with its adventurous nature, may prefer outdoor access for stimulation.

While dogs often require outdoor time for exercise, bathroom breaks, and mental stimulation, cats are generally content and don’t necessarily need to go outside to maintain their well-being.

Related: Best Indoor Cat Breeds (With Pictures) 2024

8) The Purring of Cats Therapeutic

How nice is it to close our eyes and hear our cat’s purring? A cat’s calming presence has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety. The rhythmic sound of a cat’s purring has a therapeutic effect, contributing to a healthier mental state for their owners, including lower blood pressure.

In addition, some research shows that having a cat helps with anxiety and depression, improving your overall well-being.

9) Cats are cleaner than dogs

brown and white short coated dog running on snow covered ground during daytime
Cats can groom themselves and don’t need outdoor bathroom breaks.

Cats are often perceived as cleaner than dogs for several reasons. Firstly, cats are meticulous groomers, constantly licking and cleaning their fur. This self-grooming behavior helps to reduce odors and keeps their coat in good condition.

Additionally, cats are generally more independent when it comes to using a litter box, making them easier to house-train. Unlike dogs, cats do not require walks outdoors for bathroom breaks, minimizing the potential for bringing dirt and mud into the home.

While hygiene habits can vary among pets, cats’ self-maintenance tendencies contribute to the common perception that they are cleaner than dogs.

10) Cats will kill the bugs, so you don’t have to

cat walking in green grass
Cats are natural hunters.

One of the convenient aspects of having a cat as a pet is their natural inclination to hunt and catch insects. Cats are skilled predators and often take it upon themselves to eliminate bugs in the home.

This can be particularly beneficial for pet owners, as it helps control unwanted pests without the need for additional intervention. Cats’ instinctual hunting behavior not only provides them with mental stimulation but also serves as a practical and natural pest control method.

This contributes to a more comfortable and bug-free living environment for us, owners.

11) Cats are less of a threat to humans than dogs

While dogs can pose a physical threat if not properly trained, cats are generally less likely to cause harm. Their smaller size and less aggressive nature make them safer, especially for households with children or elderly people.

While temperament varies, most domestic cats are smaller and less powerful than most dog breeds. Cats are more likely to retreat or avoid confrontations, and their bites or scratches, while potentially causing discomfort, are less likely to cause severe injuries compared to those from larger dogs.

On the other hand, dogs can vary widely in size and temperament, with some breeds possessing more aggressive tendencies.

12) Cats groom themselves

Cats are meticulous groomers, sparing owners from the laborious task of regular baths. Their self-sufficiency in hygiene contributes to a lower maintenance routine for cat owners.

On the contrary, dogs often require regular grooming due to their diverse coat types, sizes, and activity levels. Exceptions apply.

13) Cats have lower vet costs

Owning a dog often comes with higher veterinary costs compared to having a cat, and this discrepancy can be attributed to several factors. Dogs generally require more food due to their larger size and higher energy expenditure, contributing to increased expenses for pet owners.

Additionally, dogs’ size and activity levels may increase the likelihood of accidents or injuries, necessitating more frequent veterinary visits.

According to some sources, the perception that cats are spoiled may be challenged when considering the substantial support and care that dogs require.

Final Thoughts: Why Cats are Better than Dogs

In the grand debate of cats vs. dogs, it’s evident that cats bring unique benefits that make them the superior choice for many. From their independence to their longer lifespan, cats offer unparalleled companionship without the demands often accompanying dog ownership. While personal preferences may vary, there’s no denying the myriad advantages of having a feline friend as a pet.

Are you finally convinced cats are better than dogs? 🙂

Frequently Asked Questions

Don’t dogs provide better protection than cats?

While some dogs are excellent protectors, the size and temperament of many cat breeds can deter potential threats. Additionally, choosing between a cat and a dog for protection often depends on the owner’s specific needs.

Can cats really be left alone for extended periods without feeling lonely?

Yes, cats are more independent and can tolerate being alone longer than dogs. However, it is essential to ensure they have enough food, water, and a stimulating environment to keep them content.

Don’t cats scratch furniture and cause damage to homes?

Cats have a natural instinct to scratch, but scratching posts and regularly trimming their claws can help minimize damage. Training and providing appropriate outlets for scratching can keep your furniture safe.





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